
Remember the good old days when a job search meant answering some ads or posting a resume on some job sites or talking to an agency or two. And going on a couple interviews$%:

There was a time when resumes got answered. Phone calls and emails were returned. An agency or recruiter could be counted on to supply you with plenty of interviews.

Remember when you used to get a call back after an interview. Or there was someone to talk to check on your status. And employers would keep in touch to show they were still interested in you.

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Those days are gone forever! Welcome to the 21st Century job search marketplace where everything's changed . . . especially since 9/11, Katrina and the roller-coaster economy.

Yet, in spite of everything you've heard, this is the most thrilling job search market we've ever seen! In fact, we've never seen anything like this!

Why$%: Because if you're in control . . . if you've planned in advance . . . if you've got all your ducks in a row then you're ready for some of the most incredible opportunities in a decade!

But if you're not ready . . . well, take a look at pitfalls that await you:

1. Employers' expectations have changed dramatically. They want someone who knows how to add to their bottom line with examples.

2. There are millions looking for jobs in the world marketplace. You have to stand out from the competition to get ahead.

3. Resumes don't get jobs. No one is going to hire you without meeting you face-to-face.

4. You gotta know how to ask for a job.

5. If you can't negotiate like a pro . . . you're out!

The good news is that there are advanced alternative and non-traditional strategies that can turn you into a winner in a matter of days instead of weeks and months!

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